Leaving A Review
Thank-you so much for considering writing a review of your experience of Acupuncture for me, I really appreciate it very much, it only takes a few minutes. For many people, taking the first step of trying Acupuncture can be a bit of a leap of faith and reading someone else’s honest experience helps give more confidence that ‘sticking a few needles in someone’ really can help a lot of things; it helps them take that first step to getting in touch to find out if it might help them and for some people that can be life changing.
Instructions on How to Leave a Review
If you are able to leave a review on both Facebook and Google then that would be totally amazing but I absolutely don’t expect it, I know it takes time which is what everyone is short of in general!
If you choose one then if you could do Google thats really helpful because more people look into Acupuncture using Google.
Google Review
- You need a Google or Gmail account to leave a review, getting an account takes 1 minute, is free and you don’t get any spam. To get a google account using a non-google email address click here: https://accounts.google.com/SignUpWithoutGmail
- To leave a review visit this link. https://search.google.com/local/writereview?placeid=ChIJXcDgEOocbkgRgrLAhwRLL6o If you are not signed in to your google account then it will prompt you to sign in.
Facebook Review
- Go to the reviews page on my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pg/clearspringacupuncture/reviews/?ref=page_internal
- Click Reviews on the left side of the Page if the reviews arent showing.
- Click Yes to recommend the Page.
- Write a Recommendation. You can also select any of the tags below to recommend or not recommend a specific feature of the business.
- Click next to Post to select your audience.
- Click Post.
Guidelines On What To Say
Firstly, write what is honest to you. If you know what you want to say you then should write whatever you want but some people have said they aren’t sure what to write so if you are not sure, I have also provided some guidelines below.
It is helpful for people to know how things were for you before you engaged with Acupuncture and how Acupuncture changed things for you, you do not need to mention your specific difficulty but if you are happy to then that can be helpful.
If you had doubts or anxieties about Acupuncture mentioning them helps people know they are not alone in having doubts.
** Please don’t feel you need to say nice things about me!** It is Traditional Acupuncture that helped you, I am standing on the shoulders of over two thousand years of practitioners who have passed this knowledge down and refined it along the way. It is fine to mention me if you want but you can also talk about Acupuncture rather than ‘Paul’.
** Lastly and most importantly don’t put anything in your review that you are not happy being online.**
Thanks so much for reviewing your Acupuncture experience, I really appreciate you spending your time doing it for me.