Teenagers & Young Adults

Our teenage years are characterised by rapid and profound changes in our bodies but also in the structure and activity in the brain. What we experience in our teenage years shapes the people we grow to be but unfortunately it is very common for teenagers to experience emotional or physical issues as they adapt to these fundamental changes.
In the modern world the challenges of the teenage years are more intense. Increased electronic stimulation and associated lack of rest, excessive social and academic expectations and other lifestyle issues such as, lack of sleep and the poor quality of much food all make it harder for teenagers to thrive.
I have a particular passion for treating teenagers and children because treatment early in life sets the scene for good health later on stopping small imbalances early on leading to chronic problems in adult life. I have completed specialist training with Rebecca Avern specific to helping Teenagers. Rebecca is an internationally recognised author and educator in this field. I am also a contributor to specialist Acupuncture practitioner groups focused on the treatment of children.
Acupuncture gently brings balance to our systems and consequently our emotions and physical symptoms are relieved.
Acupuncture influences many bodily systems but issues teenagers and young people commonly come to treatment with are listed below. If the issue you, or the young person you care for, is having difficulty with is not in this brief list please get in touch and we can explore whether Acupuncture might be able to help.
- Emotional distress like anxiety, depression and irritability
- Injuries and muscular pain
- Skin issues including Acne
- Digestive problems
- Menstrual cycle difficulties
- Appetite issues
- Food & other allergies
- Problems with sleeping
- Migraines & headaches
- Asthma