Acupuncture for Relieving Stress

Most of us experience stress at some point and it is very common for teenagers and adults to experience stress. Sadly it is increasingly common in young children also. Stress is both a cause and an effect. When we are under stress it affects our bodies, this changes how we feel which then impairs our ability to deal with stress and so we end up in a vicious circle where we are unable to deal well with our stress and we get progressively worse. Acupuncture works by breaking this cycle, helping us to get back to feeling ourselves.
How Can It Help?
The quick answer is that good Acupuncture treats you the person aswell as any symptoms you have and when treatmenht supports you in this way, you feel better at both deep and surface levels. The way we experience our emotional and mental life is just is as much related to the conditions in our physical body as it is to what is happening in our mind and Acu[puncture helps to balance things at all levels. Treatment brings you back into a better balance, it encourages the body’s natural tendency to operate at optimum health and emotional wellbeing is a product of this. People start reporting feeling ‘more myself’, ‘more resilient’, ‘more content’ etc. This is the real meaning of well-being and one of the things that is amazing, and to some, surprising, about Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, is that it can help you get back to feel this way.
It is this aspect of Acupuncture more than any other that inspired me to commit to studying for 4 years to be an Acupuncturist. Experiencing what it felt like to feel so much better in myself inspired me to want to be able to share that with others.
Who Can Benefit?
I would say that the majority of people can probably benefit. Since I qualified in 2012, I can only think of a handful of people who have come to me with emotional issues who haven’t felt much much better after a relatively short course of treatment.
Everyone has different kinds of demands that life brings to them, Acupuncture for many people is an important tool that helps them live life more fully rather than surviving it.
What Do I Need to Do?
If you have something that is getting in the way of you feeling like the real you then you can either book an appointment or get in touch and we can chat about what is giving you difficulty and whether Acupuncture might be able to help. The majority of people find it leaves them feeling much better, whether they ‘believe’ in Acupuncture or not.