Gender Specific Health Issues
If you have health issues that are specific to being physically male or female you can find more information here. Traditional Acupuncture works by regulating the body’s own systems so is often very helpful with difficulties are occurring in gender specific body systems.

Acupuncture is the most frequently included complementary treatment to support assisted reproduction treatment. It is integrated into many of the best fertility clinics in the world.
Female Fertility

Acupuncture has a well deserved reputation for enhancing fertility, often being a key factor in successful pregnancies. Treatment identifies important issues affecting fertility, regulates the menstrual cycle and emotions and can support issues like low ovarian reserve and hormonal imbalances.
Male Fertility

When couples struggle to conceive, the focus is often on the woman in the relationship but in many cases, support is helpful for the man. Acupuncture, with advice where helpful, can positively influence sperm count and quality as well as other fertility related issues.
Pregnancy & Birth

While being an amazing journey, pregnancy often can involve significant emotional or physical difficulties. Acupuncture is one of the safest forms of medicine for you and your baby and, every day, helps women enjoy rather than survive pregnancy.
Teens & young Adults

Our teenage years cause significant emotional and physical challenges. Acupuncture treats both the symptoms and the person helping teenagers more easily adapt and fulfil their potential.
Womens Health

Throughout the whole lifespan, from puberty onwards there are challenges, both emotional and physical, specific to being a woman. In Acupuncture a deep understanding of women’s health is at the heart of practise and every year it provides life changing relief to thousands of women. Every day Acupuncture helps women with difficulties with the menstrual cycle, menopause, fertility and emotional wellbeing, as well as other more specific issues.
Mens Health

With a complete approach, Acupuncture has much to offer Men. In Acupuncture it is understood that balance is the key to physical and emotional health & resilience. Difficulties with injury, emotions & sexual performance and fertility as well as other more specific issues are helped every day with Acupuncture.