COVID-19 Secure Practise - How I Keep You Safe
What I Do
COVID Secure Working Practises. I am working to officially developed and validated professional COVID secure working practises developed by the British Acupuncture Council which is the main governing for professionally trained Acupuncturists in the UK. These practises are updated regularly on the basis of any new scientific guidance.
- SURFACE CLEANING - all surfaces are cleaned with medical grade anti-viral cleansers after every patient.
- NO WAITING ROOM - in order to avoid any possibility of transmission through touch or air - waiting in the clinic is not possible.
- DOOR HANDLES - I open all doors etc so that you don’t need to touch anything.
- REGULAR HANDWASHING - hands are regularly and thoroughly washed during each patient visit.
- COUCH COVERING - The treatment couch is covered in a double layer of single use couch roll which is disposed of after each patient visit.
- VISOR - I wear a visor to minimise any chance of my catching COVID-19 through my eyes and becoming infectious.
- FACE MASKS - I wear a new medical grade face mask over for each patient
- Social distancing, we maintain a 2 metre distance in the treatment room at all times except when I need to perform treatment, take your pulse or look at your tongue.
- AIR FLOW - The main way of minimising aerosol transmission of COVID-19 is social distancing and wearing masks. As an additional precaution, we maximise the flow of fresh air in the clinic to further minimise the chance of any residual aerosol transmission.
- TIME KEEPING - A 15 minute gap between patients is maintained to allow any aerosol in the air to clear.
What You Need to Do
These precautions protect you and the other people I treat.
- FACE MASKS -Everyone needs to wear a mask that covers their mouth and nose while in the clinic, (I can provide one at cost if you don’t have one). This helps prevent aerosol transmission of the virus from you to others. Current research suggests that wearing masks protectes others. This is why I wear a new mask for each patient I see.
- DOOR BUZZER - Call me on 07968 576233 when you arrive so you don’t have to touch anything, don’t press the door buzzer. I will come and let you in.
- DOOR OPENING - Don’t touch any door handles, I will open all doors for you.
- HAND WASHING - Wash your hands when you arrive and when you leave, alchohol santiser and soap and water is available.
- SELF CERTIFY PRIOR TO ARRIVAL - Regulations mean you must confirm to me prior to coming that you have no symptoms of COVID-19 or other new illness. This means, fever, new digestive disturbance, loss of taste or smell, persistent cough, new skin rashes etc. If you have any new symptoms, we need to speak first to determine if these are things you have experienced before or if they might be signs of COVID infection. I am not allowed to see you if you have any signs of a potential COVID infection, I can however see you for a tele-consultation(phone or video call)
- I AM NOT ALLOWED TO SEE YOU if you have been in contact with anyone suffering from COVID-19 within the last 2 weeks because you may be infectious but without symptoms.