Babies, Children & Young People
Children and young people respond exceptionally well to Acupuncture, often very rapidly and with minimal treatment. Younger children often don’t even need needles, other treatment methods being options, but almost all children happily accept Acupuncture treatment. It is a gentle effective choice that resolves problems without the harmful side-effects of some medications.
In treating adults I quickly learned that some people’s long standing health problems had their beginnings as something much less serious in their childhood or adolescence. I realised that if I treated children then, in some, I would be stopping problems that could blight their entire adult life. This is part of why I am particularly passionate about treating children and young people.
The first child I treated was my son. When he was 2 1/2, he gradually developed, over the course of 5 days, a very painful and worsening ear infection. I prefer to avoid antibiotics if possible. I treated him in the evening, by the following morning he was much improved and I treated him again and, by the evening it had completely cleared. I am used to Acupuncture producing great changes for people but I was quite astonished, it was my first experience of just how amazing Acupuncture can be for children. No drugs, no antibiotics, just 4 tiny needles, twice.
If you are a parent or guardian you will understand first hand, the depth of how much we care for our children. I bring that passion, sensitivity and care to all of my young patients and those who care for them.
Babies & Toddlers
Acupuncture helps many of the difficulties of early childhood that we assume have just to be accepted. Colic, pain, nighttime waking, infections, digestive difficulties are just a few of the issues commonly helped.
Children respond well to Acupuncture. It helps physical and emotional issues. Common areas helped are asthma, eczema & allergies, pain, digestion & appetite, concentration & behaviour, sleep, bedwetting & recurrent illness.
Teens & young Adults
Our teenage years cause significant emotional and physical challenges. Acupuncture treats both the symptoms and the person helping teenagers more easily adapt and fulfil their potential.